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Visible Learning

At Riverview Elementary, we are working together to make learning visible for our students. Based on the research of John Hattie, teachers are continually working together to evaluate the impact of their teaching on student progression. Together, as a school, we are working to become evaluators of impact and experts at interpreting the effects of our teaching on all students. We start by asking the following questions:

 Impact on what?

 To what magnitude?

 Impact for whom?

“Evaluating impact asks schools and systems to be clearer about what it means to be good at various disciplines, to be clearer about what a year’s progress looks like, and to provide staff with collaborative opportunities to make these decisions, (Hattie, 2015).”

As a school we will work to make learning visible for our students. To achieve this goal, teachers will take on an enhanced role as they work to become evaluators of their teaching practice. Through this process teachers will begin to see learning through the eyes of their students and work toward helping students gain the necessary skills to own their learning by becoming assessment capable learners. Teachers will work with students so that they understand their role in the learning process by helping students identify where they are in their learning and what they need to do to achieve their

learning goals.

Reference: Hattie, J. (2015) What works best in education: The politics of collaborative expertise. Pearson. Retrieved from: